Graduation Semester and Year




Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy in Physics and Applied Physics



First Advisor



1.1 Plan and aim of Dissertation. This dissertation aims to make a electron neutrino elastic scattering cross section measurement on carbon. The previous measurements of this cross section was performed by counting experiment, where the neutrino electron sample counted in only signal region. In this dissertation the cross section is measured by χ2-basedanalysis where the background only region is retained in the analysis to constraint the background events in signal region (details presents in chapter 7). In addition all the systematics errors on data computed in details and applied to the fit. Neutrino cross section information in the MiniBooNE energy regime (≈ 0.8 GeV )is important not only for next generation accelerator based neutrino experiments, but also for the search for dark matter produced in the Booster Neutrino Beamline in MiniBooNE detector. MiniBooNE was chosen to search for Dark Matter (DM)because it was already well understood after it had run for about a decade before doing the dedicated DM search. As neutrinos are the biggest background in the search for dark matter we need to have a careful measurement of neutrino cross section and understand the results with their uncertainties very well.1.2 Layout of this document. Part one of this thesis starts with introduction of the SM of particle physics along with some details on the weak interaction, and the limitations on SM, also discusses some aspects of neutrino physics, and opens up the introduction of the MiniBooNE detector, and DM search at MiniBooNE. Chapter 3 focuses on the neutrino electron elastic scattering interactions and derives the theoretical neutrino electron elastic cross section formulae, moreover presents some previous measurements. Chapter 4 presents a description of the MiniBooNE experimental setup, in terms of either the hardware and software; This chapter also provides the details of the reconstruction algorithm and the particle identification. Chapter 5 provides information on the Monte Carlo simulation with an emphasis on1the models used to generate neutrino electron elastic scattering along with some of the most dominated background channels in the analysis. Part two of this thesis presents the analysis and their results. Chapter 6 discusses the analysis of the process ν + e− ν + e− with the selections applied on data to extract it. Chapter 7 presents the methods of measuring uncertainties. All sources of uncertainties on the data included, the measurement of the neutrino electron elastic scattering computes by fitting the Monte Carlo to the data, and the results are presented at the end.




Physical Sciences and Mathematics | Physics


Degree granted by The University of Texas at Arlington (15737 kB)

Included in

Physics Commons



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