Graduation Semester and Year

Summer 2024



Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy in Physics and Applied Physics



First Advisor

Dr. Ben J.P. Jones

Second Advisor

Dr. Jonathan A. Asaadi

Third Advisor

Dr. Frank W. Foss Jr

Fourth Advisor

Dr. Haleh K. Hadavand

Fifth Advisor

Dr. David R. Nygren


One of the highest priority endeavors in nuclear and particle physics is the search for Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay (0νββ). The observation of 0νββ would prove that the neutrino is a Majorana particle i.e. its own antiparticle, offering a mechanism by which the matter-antimatter asymmetry observed in our universe could be explained. This theoretical decay mechanism is only energetically favored in certain neutron-rich isotopes and, if found, would be the rarest decay process ever observed. To compete with the exceedingly long half-life of 0νββ, all contemporary searches are focused on the following detector performance metrics: Increasing the instrumented isotopic mass of detectors, minimizing the reducible radiogenic and cosmogenic backgrounds, and maximizing detector energy resolution. This dissertation details my contributions to several techniques that have the potential to improve the listed performance metrics in gaseous Time Projection Chamber (TPC) searches for 0νββ. Chapter 1 consists of the physics of the neutrino, the motivation for 0νββ experiments, and a brief overview of the field. Chapter 2 discusses coincident daughter-isotope tagging via super-resolution microscopy as a mechanism for near-absolute background rejection. Chapter 3 explores the use of a camera-based topological readout and the improvements it offers over the sparsely pixelated light readouts currently employed by these detectors. Chapter 4 introduces a novel TPC search concept for 0νββ, exploiting the properties of electron interactions in low-pressure xenon gas mixtures to improve signal sensitivity and exploring potential experimental configurations in such a detector.


Nuclear decays, neutrino, xenon, particle detector, microscopy, rare event, antimatter, gas physics, radiation, background reduction


Elementary Particles and Fields and String Theory | Nuclear


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