ORCID Identifier(s)


Graduation Semester and Year

Spring 2024



Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Nursing Practice



First Advisor

Dr. Welch, Elizabeth, DNP, APRN, MBA, ACNS-BC



Cardiac arrest, unanticipated admissions to the intensive care unit (ICU), and mortality account for about 50% of serious inpatient adverse events (Ko et al., 2020). Efforts to prevent in-hospital cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) require a system to identify deteriorating patients and include an appropriate interventional response, such as a rapid response team (Andersen et al., 2019). A well-structured rapid response team (RRT) has five categories that include team structure, organizational culture, expertise, communication, and teamwork (Jackson, 2017). A community hospital in Texas has been challenged in its attempts to have a well-structured RRT and had an increase in cardiac arrest. A quality improvement (QI) bundle was initiated to evaluate these challenges. The bundle includes the creation of a structured RRT for early activation, an educational process on early warning signs relating to activation of RRT, and the creation of an RRT communication sheet. The implementation of the quality improvement project included a small convenience sample of 30 registered nurses in the medical-surgical-telemetry unit and was evaluated based on a pre-and post-implementation design. Data were collected manually and from electronic health records. Statistical analysis was performed with a Wilcoxon signed rank and Friedman test. Friedman’s test revealed a significant increase in post-implementation knowledge levels. There was a significant increase in “Yes" responses and a decrease in "No" responses compared to pre-knowledge among n=30 nurses, χ²(1) = 21.498, p < .001. A significant difference was also observed in confidence levels pre- and post-implementation, χ²(1) = 70.588, p < .001.

Keywords: cardiopulmonary arrest, structured rapid response team, educational training


cardiopulmonary arrest, structured rapid response team, educational training


Critical Care Nursing | Interprofessional Education | Medicine and Health Sciences | Nursing | Nursing Administration | Quality Improvement


I acknowledge God Almighty for giving me the strength and wisdom to complete the DNP project.



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