
Hedrine Nana

Graduation Semester and Year




Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Nursing Practice



First Advisor

Mary Schira


Purpose: The purpose of the scholarly project was to evaluate the effect of an education intervention to increase healthcare providers' knowledge and adherence to Kidney Disease I Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) 2012 guidelines for CKD early detection in an adult population admitted to an Emergency Department (ED) observation unit in a tertiary hospital. Design: Through chart audits, a descriptive pre- and posttest design of two independent groups of patients admitted to ED observation status was used to determine healthcare providers' adherence to KDIGO CKD early detection. An education intervention using an investigator developed Identify-Detect-Intervene algorithm and survey were conducted prior to the posttest chart audits. 2 Methodology: Randomly selected electronic medical records that met inclusion criteria-58 preintervention and 28 post-intervention-were reviewed. An online education intervention and a survey were emailed to 12 healthcare providers of the ED observation unit during a 1-month period to assess knowledge and guideline adherence. Findings: Data from chart reviews were analyzed using the Mann-Whitney U test to compare pre and post intervention guideline adherence. Healthcare providers' CKD guideline adherence rose substantially after the educational intervention: pretest (m = 0.33, SD= .509) and posttest (m = 1.64, SD = .488), a difference between the means of 1.31. The results demonstrated the effectiveness of the educational intervention, the Identify-Detect-Intervene algorithm, in increasing healthcare providers' knowledge of and adherence to CKD early detection guidelines. Conclusion: The use of a targeted educational intervention increased providers' knowledge of and adherence to guidelines that directly improved early CKD detection, intervention, and referrals. The results of the project support the implementation of a clinical diagnostic algorithm, Identify-Detect-Intervene, in other ED observation units to increase provider detection of CKD.


Medicine and Health Sciences | Nursing


Degree granted by The University of Texas at Arlington

Included in

Nursing Commons
