
Zara Sajwani

ORCID Identifier(s)


Graduation Semester and Year




Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy in Nursing



First Advisor

Kathryn Daniel


There are many expectations and responsibilities associated with stroke caregiving. The influence of social support on coping with stressors of stroke caregiving is important to explore. Using Pearlin's Stress Theory of caregiving, this research aimed to explore experiences of stroke caregivers related to their role expectations. It also revealed the availability and nature of social support for stroke family caregivers. The researcher applied a qualitative phenomenological descriptive exploratory design for this study. The participants were recruited from support groups. Semi-structured interviews were conducted along with demographic data collection. There were ten informal caregivers of stroke patients that participated in the interviews. Manual inductive approach was used to analyze the transcribed data from the interviews. Seven themes which emerged from the data were work life balance, reaction of other people or family to stroke, expectations and responsibilities from caregivers, impact of stroke on abilities of victims, strategies used by caregivers to cope with stress, social support to stroke caregiver and care recipient, and break for caregivers. The study revealed change in the quality and availability of social support with time and situation of caregivers. Caregivers needed a tangible and emotional support system to be able to effectively perform the caregiving role. Nursing research and practice can utilize the conclusions from this study to assist caregivers to achieve better outcomes for stroke victims and themselves.


Strokes, Caregiving


Medicine and Health Sciences | Nursing


Degree granted by The University of Texas at Arlington (1284 kB)

Included in

Nursing Commons



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