Graduation Semester and Year




Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering


Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

First Advisor

Andrey Beyle


Composites have much higher strength than conventional materials such as steel. This makes it attractive to replace heavy loaded structural elements, made traditionally from steel, by elements made from composites. However, it is not a trivial task for statically indeterminate structures due to anisotropy of elastic and strength properties of composites. Present investigation is done for a ring subjected to external load. Such rings are used as bulkheads in many applications. Dependence of ultimate external pressure on thickness of the ring is nonlinear one. It is related to non-uniformity of distribution of circumferential stresses, with anisotropy of material, with set of other reasons. To improve performance of such structures, several ways were analyzed: increase of transversal compression strength of composite by redistribution of part of the fibers to axial direction, by redistribution of stresses in body using profiling and by making the ring from set of coaxial rings produced from different materials (step-wise non-homogeneity).


Composites, Anisotropic rings, Compound rings under pressure


Aerospace Engineering | Engineering | Mechanical Engineering


Degree granted by The University of Texas at Arlington (7931 kB)



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