Graduation Semester and Year




Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering


Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

First Advisor

Robert L Woods


The performance of a racecar in a maneuver is almost totally determined by the characteristics of the tires and the suspension setup. If the suspension is properly tuned for the maneuver, then the limiting factor is the tire. Therefore, any racecar design and performance analysis must start with a full description of the performance of the tire [1]. Mathematical models for tire performance such as the Pacejka model have been in use for a long time and have become the standard for expressing how a tire will perform dynamically. It comprises of curve fit to experimental data and requires about 17 coefficients to describe the sensitivity of tire adhesion as a function of several variables. These coefficients are not easy to interpret or to estimate. Presented in this paper is the Woods model for tire performance that will provide a physical interpretation to each coefficient and allows an estimate of the coefficient of a new tire based on knowledge of tested tires. Using Woods tire model, based on Pacejka model with different mathematic curve fits we were able represent the data with same accuracy. The main objective of this project is to verify the assumptions and mathematical curve fits used in Woods tire model for tires with different compound, sizes and manufacturers and also to express degradation in the coefficient of friction and the value of slip that results in peak force as a function of normal load and camber.


Tire model, Vehicle dynamics, TTC, Normalized Pacejka model


Aerospace Engineering | Engineering | Mechanical Engineering


Degree granted by The University of Texas at Arlington
