Graduation Semester and Year




Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Aerospace Engineering


Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

First Advisor

Ping Bo Wang


Reanalysis of a structure has become very important in structural analysis, as it reduces the cost and the computational time required to measure the response of the structure after it has been modified. As the importance of reanalysis has become clear, more and more research has been carried out in the field of reanalysis, which has lead to many different methods to carry out reanalysis. There are various methods which can be used for any single structural reanalysis problem and it would give us different results depending upon the method selected. Due to lot of methods which are available to solve a single problem it sometimes becomes difficult to identify which method is better and which method gives results which are more accurate. In this thesis various methods which are commonly used for static structure and steady state reanalysis have been compared to identify which one of them gives us more accurate solution without increasing the computational time and cost significantly. After comparing all the methods in this thesis, it has been found that Combined Approximation Method gives us better results than all the other methods. All the methods are implemented in MATLAB R2007b to get all the results. All the results obtained by reanalysis methods are compared with the exact solution of the modified structure to check the validity of the results obtained by the reanalysis methods.


Aerospace Engineering | Engineering | Mechanical Engineering


Degree granted by The University of Texas at Arlington
