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Technical Report 185
Experiments are performed for identification purposes, i.e. to identify the values of unknown paprameters from data. In the event that one or more parameters can not be identified, the cause could be the result of a variety of problems: insuffcient or infrequent sampling, random or nonrandom disturbances, numerical ill-conditioning and etc. The input-output configuration may also be the cause of non-identifiability. In other words, evenif the sampling and numerical procedure could be carried out under the most ideal conditions, certain parameters may not be identifiable because these parameters are not uniquely contained in the transfer function, in which case these parameters are said to be not structurally identifiable [1].
Mathematics | Physical Sciences and Mathematics
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Recommended Citation
Grundy, S. M. and Eisenfeld, Jerome, "Structural Identification of Large Systems by Reduction to Subsystems: VLDL Triglycerides" (1982). Mathematics Technical Papers. 187.