
Solmaz Torabi

Graduation Semester and Year




Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Materials Science and Engineering


Materials Science and Engineering

First Advisor

Seiichi Nomura


In the recent years, several types of piezocomposites have been fabricated since they have provided material properties superior to conventional piezoelectric materials. In order to design these composites, it is essential to find the elastic and electric fields for their different parts, as well as the effective properties of the composite. In the present study, the analytical approach based on the extension of Eshelby's theory in piezoelectricity and the numerical approach based on FEM modeling and ANSYS software have been used to find these elastic and electric fields inside the piezoceramic inhomogeneity for two different piezocomposite according to their connectivity, 0-3 and 1-3. In addition, based on these fields, the effective properties of the piezocomposite have been calculated in the analytical solution and have been compared with the numerical solution results for the effective properties. These comparisons between two approaches for different volume fractions show the analytical approach is valid to find the inside's fields and the effective properties for less than ten percent of the piezoceramic volume fractions.


Engineering | Materials Science and Engineering


Degree granted by The University of Texas at Arlington
