Graduation Semester and Year

Spring 2024



Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Materials Science and Engineering


Materials Science and Engineering

First Advisor

Dr. Seong Jin Koh

Second Advisor

Dr. Kyung Suk Yum

Third Advisor

Dr. Ye Cao


A rapid, portable, and highly sensitive method for detecting specific pathogens like Covid-19 would be invaluable for public health and emergency responses. The current standards like PCR and RT-PCR, are incredibly sensitive but also time-consuming, require skilled personnel, and demand substantial lab space. Here, we propose an alternative method capable of detecting specific oligonucleotide sequences within just 3 minutes, using a portable silicon or glass substrate (6 mm x 9 mm). We demonstrated this using 67-mer oligonucleotides with a Covid-19 sequence as a model system, achieving a detection sensitivity down to 1 nM. Our approach involves sandwiching target COVID-19 oligonucleotides between a 50 nm capture Au nanoparticle (C-AuNP) and 30 nm probe Au nanoparticles (P-AuNPs), creating a core-satellite nanostructure on the substrate. Detection occurs through the red shift of the plasmon resonance peak compared to a control without Covid-19 oligonucleotides. This method allows for the rapid detection of COVID-19 oligonucleotides within a total hybridization time of just 3 minutes. Moreover, the degree of red-shifted plasmon resonance peak absorbance difference correlates with the concentration of target oligonucleotides, enabling quantitative detection


Plamonic, Core-satellite Nanostructures, Gold nanoparticles, Oligonucleotides


Materials Science and Engineering


Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Available for download on Saturday, May 10, 2025
