
Meng Yang

ORCID Identifier(s)


Graduation Semester and Year




Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy in Linguistics



First Advisor

Laurel Stvan


This dissertation examines a group of Metalinguistic Comparatives (MCs) in Mandarin Chinese, exploring what they suggest about the universality of comparatives. I show that Chinese MCs encode a more fine-grained scalarity of the subjective attitude conveyed, which varies in orientation, i.e., positive or negative, and strength, i.e., subtle or strong. By analyzing their uses in conversational settings, I claim that MCs are pragmatical devices for speakers to reject or rectify an utterance. In examining the shared Chinese ‘than’ marker in both Negative MCs (NegMCs) and Rhetorical Comparatives (RCs), I show that both subtypes are comparatives with a contrastive and negative sense, rather than a description of a degree-differential ordering relation. Furthermore, I propose a Logic Convertibility analysis for comparatives, showing a comparative is logically equivalent to the negation of the flipped inequality relation, i.e., (d1 ? d2) ? NOT (d2 ? d1), which builds the foundation for an implied negative inference to be retrieved. Finally, I suggest English comparatives are pragmatically ambiguous in that they descriptively encode a degree-differential inequality relation but can simultaneously produce a metalinguistic reading, i.e., to convey an evaluative attitude.


Metalinguistic comparatives, Rhetorical comparatives, Degree comparatives, Mandarin Chinese, Even, NPI, Negativity


Linguistics | Social and Behavioral Sciences


Degree granted by The University of Texas at Arlington (661 kB)

Included in

Linguistics Commons



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