Graduation Semester and Year




Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Landscape Architecture


Landscape Architecture

First Advisor

Taner R. Ozdil


This research started on a quest for information about the future. Not a future based on information from the past or even the present but a visionary look at the future. There are many parts to strategic planning. One part of the strategic planning process is the creation of a vision. There are different processes used facilitate this kind of visionary thinking. The literature in landscape architecture is limited on this subject creating a need to look at business and futurist literature. The question is what steps of the different visioning methods in the business community best apply to the small landscape architecture firms, helping them develop their own vision for the future. Maccoby indicates us that once we have found our purpose, our vision, it crystallizes our strengths, our passion flames up, bringing our talents and skills to life (Maccoby p.101.) The literature from the business community stresses the importance of visioning as a management and leadership tool. The literature also covers differing visioning methods. The visioning methods in the business literature range from simple five step methods for creating vision statements to long drawn out processes for developing future scenarios. Qualitative research methods were used for this thesis. Differing models for visioning from the business community were analyzed and the key steps were summarized and categorized. Interviews were then conducted with the principles of a select group of small landscape architecture firms in order to gain their input how they currently address the future and conduct visioning. Their input generated revised ideas, methods and key questions for visioning in the small landscape architecture firm. These steps from the interviews were combined with the key steps found in the business literature to make a new model. The new model was sent out to the same principals for their review. The input from the principals was applied to the model in order to revise and finalize a visioning model created for landscape architecture professionals. The research concludes with a model for creating a vision in small landscape architecture firms. This model is to determine alliances, training, technologies and personnel needs for the future. The model is a tool for the small firm to achieve its dreams.


Architecture | Landscape Architecture


Degree granted by The University of Texas at Arlington
