Graduation Semester and Year




Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Landscape Architecture


Landscape Architecture

First Advisor

Joowon Im


This thesis investigates the revitalization of spaces found underneath elevated freeways into valued urban public spaces. These spaces are created when elevated freeways carve through dense city centers. Literature addressing the history of freeways, their sometimes-destructive impact on the urban fabric of cities and the unique role elevated freeways place in this destruction is reviewed. A brief review of an unintended consequence of elevated freeways as well as the impacts elevated freeways have had in Texas is also reviewed. The research employs three methods which rely on the collecting and synthesizing of data from literature reviews, case studies, site observation findings, and a supplementary interview. The data is used to identify optimal environmental conditions of obsolete and unproductive spaces found underneath elevated freeways. These conditions are then used to identify design strategies that help mitigate the adverse conditions and impacts caused by elevated freeways. Two examples of redevelopment of spaces found underneath freeways, The Bentway and Underpass Park, are investigated. The fact that these spaces are located in the same city create a basis with which to compare and contrast design elements and strategies. A site observation of the Dallas Alley is conducted to understand existing conditions and how the space is used, and then incorporates the findings into a design concept of the Dallas Alley. The proposed concept employs the study’s research methodology and subsequently applies the derived design strategies. The strategies include emphasizing the point of entry, multi-functional programming, defined path of pedestrian circulation, and the incorporation of public art. Possible design recommendations for similar sites, the relevance this research has for landscape architecture, and the scope of future research is also discussed.


Elevated freeways, Dallas Alley


Architecture | Landscape Architecture


Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


Degree granted by The University of Texas at Arlington (31965 kB)



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