Graduation Semester and Year




Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Landscape Architecture


Landscape Architecture

First Advisor

Taner R Ozdil


Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) and Transit-Oriented Districts (TODt) are planning and development strategies that look to leverage close access to public transit to create places or districts that are dense, walkable and diverse (NCTCOG, 2021; Stojanovski. 2019; Ozdil, 2012). While TOD and TODt are becoming more prevalent within Dallas, TX, and around the United States, (DART, 2019), there is limited literature as to how landscape architecture and urban design can be utilized to reach the goals set out by TOD, and especially TODt (Ozdil, 2012). In addition, while station areas have the potential to act as the hubs of a neighborhood, many in Dallas do not make any accommodations for pedestrians, leading to uninviting and uncomfortable pedestrian experiences. This design master thesis looks to understand how TODt station area public space can be designed for pedestrian activity through the lens of Park Lane Station in Dallas, TX. This design master thesis followed both qualitative and quantitative methods for the research (Deming and Swaffield, 2011). It reviewed literature and precedent studies, collected secondary data, and conducted in-depth interviews from the area professionals with TODt experience to gain a thorough understanding as to the best practices in TODt station area design in Dallas-Fort Worth (DFW) metropolitan region. The multi-method analysis and findings then produced a series of design recommendations that could then be applied through Park Lane Station area in Dallas, TX to examine and envision the research findings produced in this thesis. In conclusion, the results show that public space with strong pedestrian activity is an important element of station area and TODt success. Acting as both nodes and places they serve a unique function in appealing to distinct groups of users, both transit-riders and the community. In achieving an active pedestrian realm, certain programming, and human-scale design interventions such as first-floor retail, flexible open spaces, public art, pedestrian infrastructure, shade, vegetation, and outdoor/ street furniture proved to be the most critical elements to consider.


Transit-oriented development, Transit-oriented district, Pedestrian activity, Urban design, Landscape architecture


Architecture | Landscape Architecture


Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


Degree granted by The University of Texas at Arlington (13220 kB)



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