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INTRODUCTION: Lactate (La) is produced by the body’s muscles in response to exercise through anaerobic glycolysis. During exercise, most of the lactate produced enters the heart and slow twitch muscle fibers by traveling within the blood throughout the body. The lactate diffused into the blood is referred to asblood lactate. Blood lactate (BLa) is used as a measurement of exercise intensity since there is a strong relationship between the two. With increasing blood lactate and intensity there is also an increase in exertion. This exertion during exercise is measured through the rate of perceived exertion scale (RPE). The Borg RPE scale in particular is a range between 6-20 with it ranging from very, very light to very, very hard. During exertion the heart starts to increase it’s beating in order to distribute blood throughout the body to meet the demands of stress placed upon it. Heart rate (HR) is based off the number of contractions of the ventricles within a unit of time. In addition, Maximal Oxygen consumption (VO2Max) is another factor that increases with the previous variables mentioned. Maximal oxygen consumption is the maximal rate of oxygen consumed during incremental exercise and reflects the aerobic fitness level of an individual. PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between RPE and blood lactate concentrations during a maximal test on a cycle ergometer. METHODS: Two female (W; age 23.5 ±2.12 yrs.) and seven male (M; age 22.9 ±1.77 yrs.) UTA students participated in this study. Each subject was tested to maximal demands on a cycle ergometer along with a metabolic cart in order to measure VO2max. During the maximal staged test the workload increased for both males and females. A Lactate Plus Meter measured the blood lactate produced by each individual though finger pricking during resting, every third minute throughout the test and after cool down. Blood lactate (BLa), RPE, heart rate (HR), and maximal oxygen consumption (VO2Max) were all recorded and used for this study. RESULTS: The average and standard deviation at each stage for all subjects are as followed. HR (beats∙min -1);BLa (mmol∙L-1);VO2 (ml∙kg-1∙min-1). Stage 1: HR 112 ±9.54, bLa 5.01 ±3.61, RPE 6.44 ±0.53, VO2 7.86 ±3.96, r20.29. Stage 2: HR 117 ±12.01, bLa 4.21 ±2.14, RPE 7 ±1.12, VO212.9 ±3.15, r2: -.024. Stage 3: HR 135 ±15.69, bLa 6.34 ±4.34, RPE 10.1 ±2.85, VO216.59 ±3.27, r2:-0.49. Stage 4: HR 138 ±53.79, bLa 8.76 ±4.21, RPE 12.67 ±3.04, VO220.96 ±4.66, r2:0.11. Stage 5: HR 171 ±26.89, bLa 12.09 ±5.96, RPE 15.38 ±3.25, VO228.44 ±5.02 r2:0.53. Stage 6: HR 168 ±24.28, bLa 8.38 ±2.96, RPE 16.25 ±2.99, VO229.63 ±5.0, r2:0.77. Stage 7: HR 169 ±22.52, bLa 10.07 ±4.14, RPE 17.67 ±1.15, VO233.3 ±2.96, r2:0.93. Stage 8: HR 176 ±7.78, bLa 9.6 ±0.28, RPE 18.5 ±0.71, VO235.55 ±1.2, r2:-1. With each progressing stage, the relationship between RPE and bLa increased. CONCLUSION: The results of this study suggest that there is a relationship between RPE and blood lactate. As RPE increases with each stage, the relationship between RPE and blood lactate increases.


Kinesiology | Life Sciences

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