
Kripa Thomas

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INTRODUCTION: Sensory systems are an integral key to efficient postural control. Out of all the sensory systems, visual has shown to be the most heavily relied on. With the progression of age there is a decline with not only this sensory system but also postural control. The vestibular sensory system contributes to equilibrium, balance, and spatial orientation. PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to evaluate postural control when visual feedback was diminished in an unstable support surface. METHODS: Twelve women (age 75 +10.0 yrs), of the Center of Healthy Living and Longevity, volunteered to participate in this study. Each subject participated in a 12 week balance/strength training program to increase balance. A pretest was given to them before the program started and a post test after the last session. The tests before and after included a Sensory Organization Test on the Neurocom (The SMART Balance Master®). The condition of eyes closed with an unstable support surface was analyzed after three trials and an average of the scores were taken for comparison. RESULTS: The hypothesis was not supported. After analyzing the data with a dependent sample t-test, post testing equilibrium scores (M = 70.70, SD= 7.53) did not yield a significantly greater mean score than pre testing equilibrium scores (M = 67.52, SD= 10.82) t (11) = -1.22, p= .25. CONCLUSION: Although there was an increase in vestibular function during post testing; the results of this study indicate that balance/strength training does not aid in a significant difference for vestibular function in regards to postural control.


Kinesiology | Life Sciences

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