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INTRODUCTION: Anaerobic exercise is most commonly identified as short term, high intensity exercise. During this type of exercise a person is able put forth maximum intensity in regards to speed, strength, and power. The duration for this type of exercise is very short lasting from a few seconds to approximately 2 minutes. One of the most common methods of evaluating anaerobic exercise performance is by having a person perform the Wingate Anaerobic Test (Want). The WAnT provides researchers with many different variables to analyze for anaerobic performance therefore, it is the test that will be utilized for this particular study. PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of Creatine Monohydrate supplementation on anaerobic exercise in men. METHODS: 18 Men (M; age 23 +2.3 yrs) who were University of Texas at Arlington students volunteered to participate in this study. Each subject performed the Wingate exercise test on a cycle ergometer with a torque factor of .8 starting with a 1 minute warmup and then a maximal sprint for 30 seconds. Subjects then recovered for 4 minutes before performing another 30 second sprint to complete their testing visit. There were a total of three visits for this study one for baseline andanother after 5 days of placebo (Pl) loading, followed by another visit once a 5 day Creatine Monohydrate (Cr) (2.5 grams/day) loading had been completed. During each testing day peakpower (PP), mean power (MP), total work (TW), and rate of fatigue (RF) were measured by the Lode cycle ergometer for each sprint the subject performed. RESULTS: The peak power measured after supplementing on placebo and creatine was measured at 1157.18 ±193.83 W (Pl) and 1129.53 ±223.31 W (Cr) and did not result in a significant difference (p = 0.473). The mean power values for this study were 389.71 ±93.78 W (Pl); 389.29 ±83.53 W (Cr) which was also not significantly different (p= 0.975). Total work resulted in 11691.18 ±2813.36 J (Pl); and 11675 ±2501.79 J (Cr). These differences were not significant (p = 0.97). Lastly, the results for anaerobic fatigue were 34.3 ±6.23 (Pl); 33.19 ±8.69 (Cr) which were also not statistically significant (p = 0.59). CONCLUSION: After all supplementing and testing was completed, the results of this study did not indicate a significant effect on the anaerobic exercise variables evaluated. These results may have varied if the protocol would have required a higher loading period or higher supplement dosage.


Kinesiology | Life Sciences

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