
James S. Hoerig

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INTRODUCTION: Caffeine has become the most widely used drug in the world. This xanthene derivative causes an increase in catecholamines circulating throughout the blood, and is commonly used by athletes looking for an increase in athletic performance. Besides having a stimulating effect on the cardiovascular and nervous system, many report a decrease in their levels of perceived exertion while performing exercise in conjunction with the drug. Blood lactate is a common way to quantify objectively the levels of exertion an athlete may be experiencing during exercise, as it is shown to increase linearly with perceived exertion and muscular fatigue. Additionally, because of the sympathetic mimicking properties of caffeine and other xanthene derivatives, oxygen saturation in circulating blood could be affected and contribute to perceived fatigue. PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to analyze the effects of caffeine supplementation on the rating of perceived exertion, blood lactate accumulation, oxygen saturation, heart rate and blood pressure during submaximal exercise in recreationally athletic male students.


Kinesiology | Life Sciences

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