
Yovany Servin

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INTRODUCTION: A physiological measure of ten used to detect metabolic changes during exercise is measurement of blood lactate concentration. Lactate is produced by working muscle and is the end-product of an aerobic glycolysis. Some of it diffuses into the blood, and during exercise, heart fibers and ST fibers in working muscle take up most of the lactate and convert it back into pyruvate, which then enters the Krebs cycle (aerobic system). During exercise recovery, however, most of the lactate is removed from blood by the liver. Certainly, blood lactate concentrations reflect exercise intensity. However, the rapid accumulation of lactate in the blood, which is sometimes called the anaerobic threshold, is not an indication that there was a sudden shift of ATP production away from aerobic to anaerobic metabolism. Rather, it reflects that lactate production by working muscle finally exceeded the ability of the tissues to remove it from the blood. PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of beta-alanine supplementation on blood lactate levels. METHODS: Five men (M;age22.4+2.07yrs) from UTA volunteered to participate in this study. Each subject had their height and weight taken before hand. Each subject was given a placebo to take for a week then perform a maximal test on the cycle ergometer until exhaustion. Afterwards, each subject was given the beta-alanine supplementation for a week then perform a maximal test once again. Blood lactate was measured before and after the maximal test for a total of 2 times each test. During each test heart rate (HR), rate of perceived exertion (RPE), and time of exercise were recorded. RESULTS: The values for blood lactate (pre3.58±0.713;post12.6±2.12mmol/L) reached significance (p=0.029). The values for HR (pre119±1.67bpm;post117±8.91bpm) and RPE (pre11.68±0.76;post11.22±0.91) did not reach significance (p>0.05). Time of exercise (pre12:35±0.05minutes;post14:03±0.07minutes) did reach significance (p=0.041). CONCLUSION: The results of this study indicate that beta alanine supplementation had an effect on blood lactate levels for a maximal test. The results also suggest that beta alanine also had a significance for the time of exercise as well.


Kinesiology | Life Sciences

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