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Even as Latino college enrollment and graduation rates are at an all time high, the fact that Latino students have continued to lose ground to their non-Latino White and Black peers in four-year college enrollment and bachelor's degree attainment constitutes a critical policy issue (Bowen, Chingos, & McPherson, 2009; Tienda, 2009). Filling in the missing pieces of this Hispanic college puzzle (Alon, Domina, & Tienda, 2010; Tienda, 2011) will be essential to realize the potential "demographic dividend" embedded in the diverse youth population that will enter the U.S. workforce in the next two decades (Tienda & Alon, 2007; Tienda & Mitchell, 2006). As a predominantly White generation of baby boomers continues to settle into retirement, ensuring that the youth who replace them in the labor market and civil society—a significant proportion of whom will be Latino—have the educational credentials to do so must become a national priority. The educational success of Latino students can no longer be considered simply a Latino issue (Latino Policy Forum, 2012).



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Available for download on Wednesday, January 01, 3000

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Education Commons
