ORCID Identifier(s)


Document Type

Honors Thesis


This research project aims to explore the persuasive efficacy of using familiar rhetoric and appealing to familiar values when presenting someone with political arguments. Persuasive efficacy is defined as how much a person’s position and confidence is moved after the manipulation, and familiar values and rhetoric were determined by those associated with the participant’s self-described political affiliation. The participants were first asked their position and confidence on four political issues, then asked to fill out a political intellectual humility scale. For each issue, they were then shown one of four possible videos of a person giving a political argument, with each video containing a different value/language frame (conservative or liberal) and position (for or against). Participants were then asked again in a post-questionnaire for their position and confidence on each issue. Only a few of the videos had a significant effect on position change for two v of the four topics, but political intellectual humility did predict position change on three of the four topics and was negatively correlated with age.

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