
Lillian Storm

ORCID Identifier(s)


Document Type

Honors Thesis


The insect Leptoglossus phyllopus and some other members of the true bug family must acquire their bacterial symbiont every generation from the environment during their second instar. This poses a problem for researchers wanting to study the bugs in vitro. We set out to assess five different methods of introducing bacteria into the insect's environment. We tested the introduction via inoculated water, broth, plant sprig, potting soil, and uninoculated agricultural soil. No significant difference was seen in average adult weight or the development time between treatments. The method of infection did affect the number of insects that reached adulthood which also correlates to how many insects were infected. Insects infected via inoculated water and agricultural soil were significantly less likely to reach adulthood than insects infected via inoculated broth, plant sprigs, or potting soil.

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