Document Type

Honors Thesis


The information technology infrastructure of firms plays an essential role in their operation. With this, many cybersecurity risks arise at an organizational level. This research seeks to understand if the age and size of a firm are related to this risk factor. The research utilizes a dataset containing records of 13,075 companies across the period of 2014-2020, extracted from the directory of records of autonomous system numbers from CyberGreen. This study hypothesizes the following: H1. Organizational age will have a positive relationship to the organizational risk score, making them more vulnerable to attacks. H2. The organizational size will also have a positive relationship to the organizational risk score, making them more vulnerable to attacks. The age and size variables were standardized, and we found that for a unit increase in age, the risk score increased by 0.0256, and for an increase in size, the risk score increased by 0.1427. This confirmed our hypotheses to be correct, concluding that older and/ or larger firms are more prone to risk.

Publication Date




Faculty Mentor of Honors Project

Ruochen Liao



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