
Idararosa Ekong

Document Type

Honors Thesis


Programmed cell death is particularly important for animal development. Our lab discovered a new form of cell death called Compartmentalized Cell Elimination (CCE) in the nematode C. elegans. Here three segments of a complex epithelial cell called the tailspike cell (TSC), that shapes the animal’s tail, die differently. After a cell dies, it remains are taken up by a phagocyte (cell-eating cells) through a process called phagocytosis. We wish to image phagocytosis of the TSC as it dies, we have a fluorescent reporter for the phagocyte. However, in the current version of this marker expression is extremely broad, other cells are obscuring our view to see what we are interested in. The experimental strategy includes gene promoter dissection, PCR fusion of promoter fragments to GFP, microinjections, and microcopy/imaging techniques. We will use the new phagocytic reporter to look at phagocytosis in wild-type embryos through time-lapse imaging.

Publication Date




Faculty Mentor of Honors Project

Ginger Clark



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