
Mayur Bhakta

Document Type

Honors Thesis


A commonly performed point-of-care test is the measurement of a patient’s blood glucose, a process currently practiced in healthcare simulation with minimal realism at UTA’s Smart Hospital. Training of healthcare professionals involves essential skill development and proficiency, which cannot be done effectively with low-fidelity props. A device was developed with consideration of the types of scenarios run at the facility and coded to be prototyped with Arduino. The device’s circuit setup and function were simulated using Tinkercad to assess the desired output values in the three glucose ranges: hypoglycemic, normal, and hyperglycemic. Successful generation of random glucose readings in these ranges was achieved. The SolidWorks model of its external housing resembles glucose meters on the market with the ability to insert and remove test strips. The blueprint design is open for further modification and optimization to improve functionality and eventual production of a physical prototype.

Publication Date




Faculty Mentor of Honors Project

Erica Hinojosa



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