
Neaz Almir

Document Type

Honors Thesis


In adult humans, it is common to replace damaged tissues and epidermal tissues of smooth muscles on internal organs with porcine xenografts during a surgical procedure. However, there is little research on the usage of neonatal porcine tissues because of the difficulty in performing mechanical testing and obtaining samples from neonatal pigs due to the delicate property of the tissues. By performing mechanical testing on tissues obtained from stillborn pigs, we can calculate the amount of stress and strain these tissues undergo and how these tissues can be used to replace epidermal tissues in limbs of human infants. Using a Uniaxial Machine, measurements of stress relaxation, creep, and pull to failure will be calculated for various porcine tissues in the longitudinal and circumferential directions. The data will be analyzed to determine the average maximum stresses and strains these tissues can undergo for various tensile loadings before the tissues fail.

Publication Date




Faculty Mentor of Honors Project

Jun Liao



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