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Document Type

Honors Thesis


Hypersonic vehicles have been in development for over 60 years, yet a control-configure-vehicle has yet to be designed to understand the possible improvements over statically stable configurations. This paper studies the effect of stability and control on aircraft geometry and performance by comparing traditional vehicles versus control configured vehicles (CCV) that operate at subsonic and supersonic speeds and extrapolates this analysis to predict these effects on hypersonic vehicles. Data related to geometry, aerodynamic performance, and stability from various vehicles were collected and used to find trends by comparing aircraft design parameters to stability criteria. The results showed that by decreasing the degree of inherent static stability, the vehicles tend to become smaller and lighter but require more control power and advanced control systems to vicompensate. Based on these results, CCV design considerations applied to hypersonic vehicles as well as a Mach 5.2 Hypersonic Glider design point are discussed

Publication Date




Faculty Mentor of Honors Project

Bernd Chudoba



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