Document Type

Honors Thesis


In contemporary physiology, the circadian rhythm influences more than the neurotransmitters melatonin and cortisol. Monitored from hypothalamic pacemakers and suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN), metabolic and physiological structures are under a biomolecular schedule. Likewise, peripheral tissues are coordinated through the hormonal, autonomic, and behavior stimuli that direct the metabolic processes that occur in the skeletomuscular system. The purpose of the current study was to determine whether the time of day could significantly affect the metabolic response to an anaerobic capacity test. Subjects had weight, height, and body fat percentage (BF%) recorded before the Wingate Anaerobic Test. Resting blood lactic levels were documented prior to exercise and the accumulation of blood lactate was documented 5 minutes post-exercise protocol. Fatigue index, peak and mean power were recorded post-test. There was no significant difference in baseline blood lactate prior to exercise protocol peak power, mean power, fatigue index, and blood lactate post protocol between the morning and evening periods (p ≥.05). It was concluded that time of day did not have a significant influence on exercise performance in the physiological variables measured.

Publication Date




Faculty Mentor of Honors Project

Jeremiah C Campbell



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