
Adarsh Pai

Document Type

Honors Thesis


Git is an open-source distributed source control system designed to facilitate programming collaboration efficiently, enabling decentralized teams and developers to contribute to software engineering projects of varying scale. Despite its effectiveness and wide-scale adoption among both the professional and open-source community, its features are often underutilized, stemming from its steep learning curve, convoluted interface, and a general lack of clear documentation at times. In short, Git suffers from an inconvenient user experience (UX) problem. Although the idea of a Git GUI client is not inherently novel, Gitraffe separates itself by packaging a feature set comparable to industry incumbents, with features like Interactive Rebase, Cherry Picking, Reflog + Reset, Tailored Workspaces, and Shell Mode. In addition to this, Gitraffe proposes a textual interface that leverages Natural Language Understanding to understand user intent and recommend in-app operations through deep linking. This work primarily focuses on the Gitraffe module - the plumbing behind all the features on the Gitraffe client and ML Inference API that powers “Raffy” - Gitraffe’s Deeplink Search.

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