
Mikayla Massara

Document Type

Honors Thesis


Few studies have been published that focus on stress and resilience in pre-nursing students. Therefore, this study explores the relationship between stress and resilience in on-campus (OC) and accelerated online (AO) pre-nursing students. Using a comparativedescriptive design, 364 participants completed online questionnaires using the Perceived Stress Scale – 10 and the Resilience Scale – 14. Significant differences were noted in perceived stress (z= -2.984, p= .003) and resilience scores (z= -3.873, p= .000). The OCintended students were statistically more likely to report higher levels of stress and lower resilience scores. The findings revealed that stress in general was negatively associated with resilience for both OC (ro= -.370, p< .01) and the AO students (ro= -.402, p< .01). As a result, educators should consider implementing stress management and resilience training in pre-nursing courses to prepare them for the demands of nursing school.

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