
Josphin Mouris

Document Type

Honors Thesis


The endocrine system is essential for it controls metabolism, reproduction, mood, growth, development, and many more functions of the body. Yet due to its vast functions it can be difficult to grasp and because most of the activities of the system are not seen, it can be difficult to visualize. To mitigate the difficulty of learning the endocrine system, information was collected from the Human Physiology course PowerPoints as well as various textbooks and lectures to create visually engaging educational videos for students. Specifically, two videos were created using iMovie and PowerPoint to cover a brief overview of the endocrine system, how it compares to the nervous system, and a comprehensive overview of the hypothalamic-pituitary-somatotropic (HPS) axis as well as the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal (HPG) axis. The videos will be used as additional tools for the human physiology and A&P courses as a flexible and engaging opportunity for students to solidify learned information in class.

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