
Roshan Shrestha

Document Type

Honors Thesis


WhatchamaBudget is a powerful application that presents the user with their budget in a personalized and much better way than having all the bills set up and written down on a notebook. It is more than just a budgeting application. It provides a clearer view of how the budget and expenses have been handled until now and reflects on ways to make it better. Income, savings and expenses are the basic day-to-day pedestals that should be kept track of. People often disregard budgeting unintentionally, thinking it as a minor part of their life. The application provides an easy interface and updates for any user and helps keep track of their savings for a goal they can easily set up. The desktop application consists of a frontend, a backend and a database to hold user information. The project is based on the design principal “KISS” which stands for “Keep It Simple and Stupid”. Working on the frontend part of the application, I had to research the design of the application and the implementation of its contexts. The design is simple as it should be with better user interaction and interface. The backend basically handles all the API and the banking information section including the database. The whole team has invested hours and effort in research and developing new ideas to integrate the project, where the application can provide its features at its best. The major features of the application are goals setup, budget setup, transaction view and transaction modification in accordance to users’ needs, demo and overview. The application has a basic sign in and sign up process, with which the users can create a personal account and have all the transaction and budget data stored in. The user will also have the ability to connect to his/her bank accounts once the account is set up. With the completion of the account set up, the application provides transparency between the user and how the budget is handled for the goals.

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