
Samantha Clark

Document Type

Honors Thesis


The primary focus of this research is to study the consequential ethics of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator when used in the hiring process, with a special focus on its effects on organizational diversity. Qualitative research was the preferred method for this thesis due to the availability of past studies. All sources were taken from peer-reviewed research and textbooks then analyzed to draw conclusions and implications. The research proposes that using the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator in the hiring process is consequentially unethical and puts companies that use it at a disadvantage. This is due to the varying personality assessment scores that occur among different cultures, disabilities, genders, races, and ethnicities. By being aware of unethical practices companies can strive to improve their diversity initiatives. This results in lower employee turnover, more diverse points of view, increased creativity, and an enhanced brand reputation. Companies should instead use the personality assessment as a learning tool to improve group relations and employee self-awareness.

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