
Nguyen Nguyen

Document Type

Honors Thesis


The question of why most eukaryotic organisms engage in sexual reproduction has been studied extensively in evolutionary biology. A common approach to study why sex and recombination have been maintained and evolved is to understand asexual genomic evolution, which is hypothesized to impact genomes in various ways. A recent study in hybrids between species of Drosophila revealed a coevolution of cis and trans regulatory elements lead to gene misregulation in the F1 offspring. Regulatory divergence can be detected by allele-specific gene expression assays. If the F1 hybrid differs in gene expression to the same extent of alleles and parental species, it can be inferred to be cisacting genetic differences. However, if it differs to a larger extent, it can be inferred to be trans-acting genetic differences. By performing this kind of gene regulatory divergence analysis in Daphnia pulex, we can have a better understanding of the consequence of how cis-trans compensatory evolution could lead to misexpression in hybrids of similar species. The main objective of this study is to understand better a possible production of interspecific hybrid offspring from the crossing of EB1 (female) and STM2 (male) clones of Daphnia pulex. Our hypothesis is that the hybrid will be produced by the crossing of these two clones. The offspring produced by heterosexual parents is also predicted to have mixed genomic background of both parents with an equal ratio.

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