
Steven Parker

Document Type

Honors Thesis


Senior nursing students’ knowledge of hypertension was analyzed in this work. Registered nurses with sufficient knowledge of hypertension have been shown to provide more effective discharge education to patients, promoting adherence and increasing blood pressure control. A ten-question, open-ended survey was sent to all 178 of the senior 2 nursing students enrolled in the on-campus BSN program at The University of Texas at Arlington. Responses to each question were tallied to determine significant gaps in nursing students’ knowledge. Gaps of knowledge will indicate areas that should receive more attention in the nursing school curriculum. The survey found that while almost every respondent correctly identified the normal range for blood pressure in adults, most did not know the prevalence of hypertension among patients in inpatient units. The survey also found that most respondents did not know what percentage of discharged hypertensive patients achieve blood pressure control. Fewer than half of the respondents reported that they would provide education at discharge to hypertensive patients. The findings of this study suggest that further education about the implications of hypertension should be added to the curriculum to make nursing students more effective caregivers.

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