Document Type

Honors Thesis


Organ transplant patients require intensive postoperative monitoring with periodic blood testing and vital evaluation to avoid organ rejection and other complications. The increasing number of patients is also increasing the workload on the healthcare professionals, which compromises the quality of patient care and recuperation. The purpose of Auto+ is to bring forth an automatic system that can periodically extract and analyze blood contents. The development of this project ensures to relieve workload for healthcare professional and increase patient comfort post-op. Our project is separated into two aims, and we will be discussing aim one in this paper. 1. To develop a safe and periodic blood extraction system 2. To incorporate an optical biosensor for analysis of blood analytes Our system features the use of a stopcock (STP), a stepper motor and a vacuum to precisely and periodically extract blood. Arduino IDE and Processing, provide a user friendly graphical user interphase (GUI) for ease of program control. Initial data was analyzed with a regression model and one-way ANOVA. The results demonstrated good consistency (average R2 = 0.804) with little variation (P < 0.01) in extraction rates between three customizable programs. Our system shows promising results in the consistency of extraction, but we are aiming to further improve this aspect with future iterations and also integrate a biosensor, failsafe system, backup power switches, and user feedback.

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