
Adrianna Lall

Document Type

Honors Thesis


Background: Healthy People 2020 recognize child obesity as a significant problem in the United States. This replication study included four and five year olds of Asian Indian descent. Methods: Identification of body shapes reflecting an overweight/underweight individual was shown to children and they were asked to choose the body shape reflecting their own body mass index (BMI). The relationship between a child’s actual BMI and his/her perceived body shape, perceptions of body shape/size in relation to types of food consumed, and gender differences for each were analyzed. BMI calculations were obtained and interviews completed using a pictorial questionnaire representing various body shapes/sizes. Results: Findings revealed preschool-age children accurately identified the body shape of overweight/underweight individual, and estimated their own BMI accurately. They also attributed body shapes to healthy/unhealthy foods. Conclusion: It is appropriate to teach children about obesity prevention and interventions, which will help lower obesity rates and subsequent comorbidities.

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