Document Type

Honors Thesis


Pre-workout supplements are meant to improve sports performance by increasing power, focus, endurance, and reaction time, but little research exists for specific pre-workout supplements. This study tested the effectiveness of pre-workout supplementation during submaximal cycling by comparing five variables (distance, rate of perceived exertion (RPE), heart rate, minute ventilation, and oxygen consumption (VO2)). Six recreationally active female University of Texas at Arlington Kinesiology students took part in this study. All completed a VO2max cycle ergomemter ride, as well as two 30-minute submaximal rides at 70% of their VO2 prior to which they received either a control drink or the pre-workout supplement drink. The two-tailed t-test revealed there was no significant difference in cycle performance after consuming the control or the supplement in any of five variables. It was concluded that the consumption of the pre-workout supplement did not have ergogenic effects on cycling endurance or meet the product claims of improved performance.

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