
Rayanne Macnee

Document Type

Honors Thesis


This study is a quantitative descriptive design. The purpose of this study was to describe blood pressure control, self-efficacy, and medication adherence in Mexican immigrants living in the United States. Thirty participants, who were Mexican immigrants with a previous diagnosis of hypertension and over 18 years of age, were recruited at a North Texas clinic. Once informed consent was obtained, blood pressure, medication adherence, and self-efficacy were measured. Next, several demographic questions were asked to better understand the population. Data was analyzed for frequencies and range of response for the descriptive variables. Of the 30 subjects interviewed, 56.7% had a controlled systolic blood pressure. In addition, 50% of the subjects had been previously diagnosed with diabetes. In general, subjects who had diabetes had slightly higher rates of blood pressure control. In addition, the average score for self- efficacy was 3.5 on a scale of 1 to 5, and the average medication adherence score was 2.6. A low economic status was notable in this particular population group, as ninety percent of the participants lived on an income of less than $20,000 a year, with an average of 4.4 people living with them.

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