
Tiffany Frias

Document Type

Honors Thesis


The visualization of wireless networks has been a research topic so computer scientists can understand what cannot be seen with the naked eye and advance in specialized fields such as data visualization, cyber security, and computer networking. Flying a drone with a microcontroller around a building, signal strength and location data points of wireless networks can be collected and uploaded into a cloud database like AWS (Amazon Web Services), or Microsoft Azure Cosmos DB. On the Unity platform used for game development, developers can create a program that pulls such data from the cloud in real-time. Using this data, they then map the location of the wireless networks to the program world and use the strength to adjust the transparency of the visual shape that represents the wireless network. This program is run on the Hololens 2, so users can see the shapes that represent the wireless network data first-hand when looking at the exact building where the wireless networks are being detected. However, projects that aim to achieve end-to-end data transfer goals like these are subject to obstacles that require adaptions to software and environmental constraints, which require agile software development methodologies for constant modification of project expectations for client satisfaction.

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