
Warda Wyne

Document Type

Honors Thesis


The impact of oral health is something that is often overlooked, especially during pregnancy. Tooth development occurs during the first three months of pregnancy, a fact that not a lot of pregnant women are aware of. To further understand the implications that poor oral health can have on pregnancy and child tooth development, two different studies were conducted. The first study involved a questionnaire given to pregnant women asking them to rank their dental anxiety on a scale of not anxious (1) to phobic (5). Following this, dental history for all their children was recorded and compared to the questionnaire answers provided. The second study screened pregnant women during their second trimester for any dental related issues. Those that were healthy served as a control for the experiment. Any pregnancy outcomes were noted through obtained medical records and factors such as age, race/ethnicity, socioeconomic status, etc. prior to pregnancy were all considered. The study concluded that pregnant women that ranked their dental anxiety as phobic had children that displayed more dental issueslater in life. It also concluded that pregnant women with dental issues during their pregnancy showed significant increase for complications during birth, such as low birth weight, preterm birth, and pre-eclampsia, which is high blood pressure.

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