
Archit Jaiswal

Document Type

Honors Thesis


The Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) is the U.S. flagship experiment being designed to study the characteristics of neutrinos which make up a quarter of the fundamental particle map. These subatomic particles help physicists understand the fundamental constituents of matter in the universe. In DUNE, neutrino interactions will be captured inside the active volume of the time projection chamber (TPC) using liquid argon (LAr) as the medium. The DUNE detector will be built using various parts assembled according to the proposed design which enables accomplishing the precision measurements for the underlying physics goals. The detector is constructed by assembling various basic components from the hardware manufacturers. It is crucial to ensure the quality of every component before it is assembled into such a gigantic structure because a minor imperfection could compromise the precision and cause significant uncertainties to the scientific measurements. In this research, a methodology and a software tool to conduct the quality assessment of the DUNE High Voltage (HV) components, which get delivered from the manufacturer are developed. The outcomes of this research will be used to conduct quality assurance and quality control for all the HV parts before using them to build the components of the detector.

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