Document Type

Honors Thesis


Alzheimer's is a progressive disease characterized by a gradual loss in memory, thinking skills, and the ability to carry out simple tasks. As a result, patients require caregivers to play a critical role by managing household tasks, aiding in personal care, and performing medical procedures. Caregivers often balance family life and/or a career while averaging between 14- 34 hours weekly on patients. This develops into high levels of depression, anxiety, and low quality of life. Limited resources have left this demographic to suffer alone while bearing the burden of caring for a loved one. A mobile application was created to simultaneously collect data for patient care planning and alleviate mental stress in caregiving. This resource provides a platform where caregivers can seek professional assistance, record social activity, and track mental health. Additionally, Google Analytics was implemented to track user traffic and engagement to provide insight for data collection/application improvement.

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