
Islam Hammad

Document Type

Honors Thesis


The purpose of this study is to measure effects of exercise environments on stress in premedical and predental students, and how to provide a method that would strive to reduce stress levels in college students. To further understand the different ways stress levels can be reduced, a method was performed to see if exercise environments have an effect on stress in premedical and predental students. Participants took the Perceived Stress Survey Inventory (PSSI) and were then instructed to walk one mile every day for one week at the University of Texas Arlington (UTA) or a park. It was hypothesized by the researcher that walking at the park for one mile, every day for one week, would significantly reduce the stress levels in students more than by walking the same distance and schedule at UTA. This research then analyzed the data obtained from the exercise and calculated results. The results were concluded with no significant decrease in stress levels based on the environment. However, evidence showed a significant decrease in stress levels demonstrating that exercise did reduce stress.

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