
Nina Ling

Document Type

Honors Thesis


This project investigated the unanswered question of nursing staff’s practice and attitudes toward hand hygiene policy in a nursing home. Hand hygiene is the most essential measure known to limit nosocomial infection (Eveillard et al., 2011). The gerontologic population is one of the biggest population segments in the healthcare system due to the period of the baby boomers (Eveillard et al., 2011). This population is known to have a weaker immune system in comparison to younger generations (Travers et al., 2015). Infection prevention is especially important to prevent the geriatric cascade, and the decline in quality of life (Travers et al., 2015). Hand hygiene will help to prevent this cascade, and possibly even death of the geriatric patient. Although there are many studies conducted about hand hygiene compliance, there are very few studies conducted at nursing homes (Eveillard et al., 2011). My project contributes to the body of knowledge in geriatric nursing by examining the nursing staff’s attitude and performance of hand hygiene on a daily basis. In an environment like geriatric nursing facilities, where it is meant to feel like a home more than a hospital unit, how often do the nursing staff perform infection control procedures after interacting with residents? If hand hygiene is poorly practiced, future exploration of possible precipitating factors should be investigated, and hopefully stimulate a discussion and awareness in the nursing home setting.

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