Document Type

Honors Thesis


Research findings to be discussed are from a larger, quantitative study exploring psychological birth trauma (PBT) among adolescents. My study examines prenatal care (PNC) and its effect as a contributing factor in PBT, defined as subjective distress. Research was conducted at John Peter Smith County Hospital (JPS). IRB approval was initially approved by the University of Texas at Arlington and is now held by JPS. The sample included 256 multiethnic adolescents, ages 13-19 years. The Impact of Event Scale was used to measure subjective distress. Little research among adolescents shows the influence of PNC upon PBT. This identified problem statement led me to the following research question: What role does PNC have as a contributing factor in the development of PBT in multiethnic adolescents 13 to 19 years of age? It is hypothesized that the more frequent number of PNC visits a woman obtains, the lower rate of PBT will occur.

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