Graduation Semester and Year




Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts in History



First Advisor

Dennis Reinhartz


Vlad Dracula was a fifteenth century historical prince in Wallachia, a part of modern day Romania. Prince Dracula was an ardent defender of Christendom, and staunch opponent of the expanding Ottoman Empire. However, through the skillful use of the printing press and the masterful work of the author Bram Stoker this man has become associated with the fictional character Count Dracula. This thesis discusses the life and deeds of the historical Prince Vlad Dracula, also known as Tepes, or the Impaler, and his association with the fictional character Count Dracula. This thesis provides an examination of the epic struggle between Prince Dracula and the Ottoman sultan Mehmed 'The Conqueror'. and Dracula's subsequent Furthermore, consideration will be given to the ever-changing view of Count Dracula in American pop culture as well as the differing roles of the folkloric and literary vampires throughout history.


Arts and Humanities | History


Degree granted by The University of Texas at Arlington

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Included in

History Commons



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