Graduation Semester and Year




Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy in History



First Advisor

Robert Fairbanks


Pearl Chase (1888-1979) and Thomas More Storke (1876-1971) are the main protagonists in this dissertation which analyzes Santa Barbara, California, and its twentieth- century development. These two individuals dedicated their lives to improving, maintaining, and preserving their unique city, as they supported—and often led—many architectural, civic, educational, environmental, and infrastructural projects. Chase and Storke were selected to headline this dissertation because they were excellent examples of community builders whose prolific endeavors resulted in many achievements. Some of these accomplishments have become Santa Barbara icons for which the city is known, such as its picturesque architectural style and a University of California campus (UCSB). Chase and Storke were also chosen because their adult lives spanned almost three-quarters of the twentieth century, and thus, this analysis could examine the impact that many of the era’s major events had on the Santa Barbara area. In addition, these two Santa Barbarans offered an opportunity to examine this topic from varying perspectives, due to Chase and Storke’s differences in career, marital and family choices, as well as gender, origin, and heritage. The results of Chase and Storke’s efforts still exist today—from those projects that can be seen, such as Lake Cachuma or the Santa Barbara Airport, to those ventures that cannot be visible because they were prohibited to exist, like garish commercial signage or an overly industrial economic base. Chase and Storke’s memories in Santa Barbara are also reflected in ways that might expected of such involved citizens, such as awards, honors, and landmarks bearing their names. However, these two dedicated people also left behind a legacy of civic commitment, as they encouraged others by example—and by recruitment—to be community- and philanthropic–minded, qualities that are important elements to the character of Santa Barbara.


Pearl Chase, Thomas More Storke, Santa Barbara, California


Arts and Humanities | History


Degree granted by The University of Texas at Arlington (1426 kB)

Included in

History Commons



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