
Lilly Moreno

Graduation Semester and Year




Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Leadership and Policy Studies


Educational Leadership and Policy Studies

First Advisor

C. James Hardy


This study examined the perceived knowledge level of the Response to Intervention (RTI) practices among general education teachers, special education teachers, and principals in three school districts located in Northeast Texas. An on-line survey assessed the participants' perceived knowledge of the four major components needed to implement RTI. Additionally, this study allowed respondents to determine if there was a need for additional RTI staff development opportunities for effective RTI implementation. Furthermore, this study allowed respondents to determine if there was a need to incorporate at least one RTI course in higher education institutions. A total of 98 respondents participated in the survey. There was a significant difference in the perceived knowledge level between general education teachers, special education teachers, and principals with the use of the universal screener. Specifically, there was a significant difference in the perceived knowledge level between the general education teachers and principals with the use of a universal screener. There was not a significant difference in the perceived knowledge level between the general education teachers and special education teachers with the use of the universal screener. The results of this study also indicated there was not a significant difference between the perceived knowledge levels of the three groups of educators with the use of progressing monitoring, evidence-based interventions, and data collection for RTI implementation. Results from this study indicated that the participants perceived themselves as not having adequate RTI knowledge and could benefit from additional professional development opportunities. Additionally, the three participant groups supported the idea to formally address RTI instruction in academic training programs to assist its implementation and success.


Education | Educational Leadership


Degree granted by The University of Texas at Arlington
